Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Ye Old Fool New Season

The brand new season to Ye ole Fool is up and running and our favourite little royal fool is back for more!

Check out the first two episodes

Episode One:  "Ye Kings Knight"

Episode Two: "Off to Scotland"

These brand new episodes have an intriguing new look. And the stories have never been more adventurous.

If you want to support the youtube series you can like, subscribe, share the episodes to all your friends and family, or you can just simply watch and enjoy the cartoons yourself. The more bigger and popular we are. The more we can entertain and the better the cartoons there will be. Oh and don't worry, these two episodes are just the
beginning, if you keep a sharp eye than you will see our medieval characters make a musical, get turned into hilarious animals and so much more.

Thanks for the support so far, cheers!
Richard Townsend (Year 10)

1 comment:

  1. The facial expressions and the "LOL" painting amidst the multiple self portraits of the knight really tickled me!

    Awesome work. The attention to detail really is brilliant



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